Monday, March 24, 2014

Color Recognition and Sorting

Amita has a hard time with colors. I have a difficult time understanding why this is when she can count to 20, count to 10 in Spanish and Bengali (my husband's mother tongue), and recognize words and all of the letters of the alphabet. If she can do all of that, why can's she recognize the color yellow? It baffles me. Because of that we've been hitting the color recognition pretty hard. There are some color activities in The Learning Box, which, as I've mentioned, is the curriculum I'm using. However, some of it is too advanced for Amita so I decided to supplement with my own stuff. 

So, the other day I was on the internet looking for ideas and I saw a post about someone using an egg crate to do some sorting and a stroke of brilliance hit me. "AH HA!", I thought to myself, "I know what to do!!!!" Whew. So, the next time I was at the grocery store, I bought a bag of different colored poms, similar to these

Basically, what I do is hold up one pom, make her identify the color, then put it in a spot in the egg crate. The next time I show her a pom of the same color, it goes in the same spot as the previous color until that spot is full. Since Amita is very tactile and loves organization, this is a great thing for her. I'm not sure if it would ever work with Ashima because I'm not sure she would care if the colors went together or not. 

She basically gets a double whammy because she recognizes the colors twice. Once to name it and a second to put it in the corresponding spot in the egg crate.

Eventually, once she gets the color thing down, I want to move to sorting not only by color, but size too.  


  1. Love this! Egg cartons are amazing things, used them all the time with my first graders! When she gets a bit older, you can also use a marker to color in a spot at the bottom of each section. Then, toss a marble or pebble in there, close it, let her shake it up, and then identify which section it fell in once it's opened! :-)

    Way to go, momma!

    1. I love that idea, Lindsay, thanks for sharing!
