Friday, June 12, 2015

Ocean Unit - Day Two

Day two of our ocean unit began much like day one (and every day for that matter). It was a bit shorter than usual because I had a dental appointment so we did just a few things. We rang the school bell and read four books. I grabbed the folder I had prepared for the day as well as Amita's sight word book and I was ready to roll.

After story time we did the calendar. Here are the girls also playing with the school bell. I mean, it's a bell sitting right there, so it has to be rung as much as possible, right? 

As I stated on day one, we go over the month, day, days of the week, and weather.

After that, I got Amita started on a sight word book. She learned two new sight words, "did" and "it". This book was cool because she was able to infer what unknown words were based on the picture and, when combined with the new words she learned, she was able to read the entire thing to me! We then put her new words on her word wall.

After that, she did a pre-writing worksheet and earned some stickers. She really likes these. 

Ashima decided she wanted to do the color sorting pom activity (again). Seriously, this girl loves it. 

Then, after that, Ridhwi's parents came over and I had to go to a dental appointment. I had my in-laws do a counting activity with Amita and a puzzle activity that taught opposites. I couldn't take a pictures, but those activities took them until nap time. 

For those of you who do not know me personally, my husband is from India. I always like it when my in-laws come over because they expose the girls to Indian culture, language, music, and literature. Since the girls are half-Indian, I definitely want them introduced to it. I am very thankful that they are spending some time near us!

That was the end of day two. A little brief, but fun. 

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