Thursday, August 14, 2014

100 Happy Days Update

I am about half way through my 100 Happy Days Challenge. So far I've found it to be both supremely annoying and very nice. It can be annoying because I set an alarm on my phone for 6 pm so I remember to get on Instagram to document my moment and inevitably the alarm goes off when I am in the middle of something important - usually making the kids dinner. However, no matter how frustrated I am or what is going on with my day, it is a chance to reflect.  Usually my happy moment it is something very small - seeing a duck in our front yard, enjoying the view out our living room window, or getting ice cream in the summer, but some times it is something large to be thankful for: an impromptu trip to Chicago during our move, the move itself, or our new home. It is nice to have the time to reflect on my day and the little moments within that make life so special. If you want to follow the rest of the challenge, you can follow on Instagram at #lauras100happydays.

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