Monday, April 21, 2014

Not-Just-For-Easter Egg Hunt

My husband had to work the entire Easter weekend - Saturday until Sunday afternoon in the hospital. Because of this, we had our own family egg hunt late Sunday in the front of our apartment so Daddy could partake in the festivities. 

One thing I learned having my own egg hunt instead of going somewhere - egg hunts are AWESOME! Do you know how engaged my kids were? First, they ran around for a long time. Then, they sat very nicely while we opened each egg and put the jellybeans in a bag. For Amita, it was also learning experience. She was identifying colors and counting each jellybean. They also behaved after that for a long time. The whole hunt took about an hour. The only downside was protecting the eggs from the 5 year-old neighbor hoodlums-in-training who told me that if I put the eggs on the pavement they would run over them with their bikes and then eat the candy. They then kept a close eye on our activities until the eggs were picked up.

I'm thinking I could do several educational things:
  1. Puzzle pieces - put the puzzle together at the end
  2. Pieces of paper with letter or words. Once they are old enough to read they could put sentences/stories/poems together using the words
  3. Magnetic letters - I could have them match the upper to the lowercase as well as just identify them
  4. Pictures of Animals - we can talk about each animal and the sound it makes
  5. Fill them with clues (when the kids are older) of where a bigger "prize" is hidden
  6. Coloring book pages

And some non-educational things:
  1. Stickers
  2. Jelly bracelets
  3. Goldfish crackers or some other snack- make 'em work for their food, ha!
  4. Rocks. For some reason Amita has a weird thing about rocks. She really likes them. Poor Ashima probably wouldn't enjoy this one very much.
  5. Nothing- you gotta keep 'em on their toes!
  6. Their own toys - they'll be like new again!
  7. Hair ties - they love them
  8. Band aids - Amita thinks they are the newest craze in fashion
  9. Crayons
My sweet babies. 

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