Thursday, May 22, 2014

Parking Lot Safety

One of the hardest things about having two kids (at least for me) is dealing with getting them in the car, and then unloaded at our next stop. We live in an apartment complex and I am always worried about them running around when I'm not looking. The same goes for the grocery store which is a VERY busy grocery store with small parking spots and it can be easy to lose them when they run away.

Well, the other day I was surfing the internet, and saw a post on Pintrest that lead me to this link:

Apparently, someone had the good idea to put a magnet with a handprint on in and when you are putting one kid in the car, the other keeps their hand on the magnet. I don't particularly want hand magnets on my car, but I LOVED the concept and ran with it. I always put Ashima in the car first (because she has a harder time following directions) and so Amita has to keep her hand on the circle where the gas tank goes. She doesn't seem to mind and I don't have to worry where she is at all times! It was such a great idea I had to share. 

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