Thursday, June 5, 2014

Book Review: Hands Free Mama by Rachel Macy Stafford

I give this book a rating of 7/10. The book is available here

I had really good intentions when I rented this book from the library. I thought it would give me all sorts of practical advice about how to  be less connected to technology. What I found, though, is that it is written to persuade the reader to become hands free. I have already decided to do this, and made strides to do so (no TV, no computer in the afternoon, etc.), so much of the book - personal anecdotes and such - were very unnecessary for me since I had already decided and was in agreement, even though they were cute stories. As for the rest of it - having designated "technology time" and reasons why you shouldn't be on your computer all the time, I already do that. I found that the book was trying to persuade me to believe in something I already believe in. It contained no real practical advice except to play with your kids and leave your phone on vibrate. After waiting two months on the library waiting list, I was a little disappointed. However, I do love the message of the book so I'm giving it a higher rating. It did have some lovely messages in neat fonts and I enjoyed reading them. :)

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