Friday, June 12, 2015

Ocean Unit - Day Three

Day three of our ocean unit was one of the girls' favorites! We rang the bell, read three books (I needed to make a run to the library), and then did calendar time. We spent some extra time with the Wish Fish book because we did an activity with it later in the morning. 

Next, I got some amazing growing sea animals at the Dollar Store and I prepared some warm water. Each girl took turns putting a capsule in the water and they both watched it grow and expand, making guesses about what it could be. The girls really liked this a lot. Eventually I had to put a towel under the water bucket because the girls were so into it that water got everywhere. 

After that Amita worked on an activity book from her newest Koala Crate. The theme of the kit this month was "cityscapes" and we spend the afternoon before painting and playing with blocks and making different cityscapes. The girls always look forward to their Koala crate. While Amita was finishing up the activity book, Ashima worked on a counting activity. Amita did this activity on day two and I liked it because I thought not only did it teach counting, but it also taught graphing. 

We then had a dance and giggle break ("Let it Go!!!"), a snack, and we went back to the school room.

Ashima then told me she really wanted to try a worksheet like Amita. I had my doubts about how it would work and my doubts were proven correct. She just colored over the whole thing, but that's okay. She felt happy that she was doing something like her big sister and being excited and happy about learning is important at this age. 

After she was finished coloring, I got her out a water color book and let her do a water coloring page. 

Amita read a sight word book to me and learned the new words "play" and "on". We then put the words on her word wall. 

After that, she did some math problems with her counting bears. She was very proud that she could write the numbers and problems all by herself!

While Amita was doing math, Ashima started a puzzle.

And then Amita got hungry again and had another snack. 

After that, we made Wish Fish (from the Wish Fish book we read during Story Time). I cut out some fish, put some eyes on them, and made little colorful scales in different sizes. The girls put glue and scales, and talked about what kind of wishes they would make if they ever met a Wish Fish. It was a fun activity that took us until nap time. 

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