Wednesday, September 10, 2014

It's the Small Things: On Having Some Time To Myself

As I've posted previously, one of the hardest things about residency for me was that I was only a mom. From sun up to sundown I was strictly mom and my only job was to take care of the house and care for the kids. If I was lucky, my role could also be modified to include wife for a few hours between when Ridhwi got home and before he went to bed but more often than not that was not the case. 

When we moved to Wisconsin I was adamant that I needed some time to myself - time to explore my own interests and also meet people and develop friendships outside the medical community. Part of this is because I feel like I need it, but part of it is because I want to teach the girls that it is important to have your own hobbies. I want to teach them to have have balance in their life and the best way to teach is through example. 

With Ridhwi's new schedule and changes with the new job, I've been able to get a babysitter a couple times a month while I take a pottery class.  I cannot tell you what these couple of hours mean to me. It is time for me to do something that really interests me and have some time of my own. The spinning of the wheel and molding of the clay with gentle music in the background relaxes me and helps me de-stress and focus. I have found that I am happier and have more patience with the kids, and love looking forward to it every week!

I'm not sure what I'll do when the class is over. Perhaps another one or maybe some art classes. Maybe I'll just spend some time reading at a cafe or volunteering somewhere. I've also always wanted to go back to school and get my Masters in Education or English. I don't really think it matters what I do, as long as I have the time. I feel like I am slowly starting to come back to myself in a role as wife, mother, friend, and just plain Laura. 

What my pottery class is like
Just kidding!
It started out like this
This is my first bowl

It is getting better every week! This is a plate I made two weeks ago

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