Friday, July 3, 2015

Ocean Unit - Day Five

Things got pretty hectic around the Mukerji household around this time. Amita had two dance recitals and we have had family visiting in addition to all of our activities.

We started off day 5 by reading our books. One of our books included the book Amita had made the day before. She thought it was neat that we were reading a book she had made. 

After reading we did calendar time.
Following that, Ashima played with daddy for a while and Amita and I did some reading review. I made up a game where I read off words and she had to pick the right one. She got counting bears when she was right and I got bears when she was wrong. She won (by a lot)!

Ashima and daddy came and played a counting game called "hungry monster cup" about a cup that needed a certain number of bears to be happy. This game included a lot of giggles. 
Amita started doing some letter writing

And then I had her do some letter writing with finger paint. The letters were a bit too small and it did not go as I had planned, but Amita had a lot of fun.
Ashima got in on the action, too:
Next, Amita and I wrote some thank you cards. She included her hand print and wrote her own name. 
Ashima played an educational game on the ipad while we did that.
And Amita had some computer time while I cleaned up from the finger painting.
And that took us to nap time!

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