Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Test Results and a Change of Plans

As I've previously mentioned, I have been planning to begin the RVA with Amita this fall. My intention was to begin preschool and to get a feel for curricula options and the school system, and then move ahead to kindergarten when she turned 5. 

I spoke with the enrollment agent at the RVA and she asked a few questions about Amita's skill level and where she was at academically. I told her about a few of the things Amita had been doing, the agent recommended I give Amita a placement test to make sure the curriculum will match her current level. So Amita and I talked about what a test actually is and we prepared by working on the computer a little bit. There were two exams, one called the DORA (much to Amita's excitement) and once called the ADAM. One tested core reading and one tested math skills. They both took about 45 minutes and were given at home on our computer. They had little animated animals that would ask questions and talk to Amita, and she was really excited to see what they did for each question. I was able to stop and start the tests to get Amita's wiggles out and, of course, pause for a very important snack break. I controlled the mouse and clicked Amita's answers even when I knew she knew and answer and still picked the wrong one (that was very hard for me to do!). The tests are designed to progressively get easier or harder, depending on the student's answer, until they even out at a student's baseline level. Ridhwi took Ashima out of the house (she was very excited to spend one-on-one with daddy) and Amita and I went through the questions.

The next day the RVA called and Amita tested into first grade math and mid-kindergarten reading. After a lengthy discussion with the teachers at the school and a good friend who has a masters in early childhood gifted education about whether Amita was developmentally ready for this, we decided the best thing for her was to be challenged according to her abilities. So instead of starting preschool, we began kindergarten and first grade. I decided to do a whole year of kindergarten even though a lot of the early stuff is review so she feels great about doing the "new" school assignments and she will have a solid foundation for the following years. Luckily I had done some early research so I had an idea about what curriculum I wanted. I spoke with the agent, she ordered it, and we were off! I chose Calvert, a truly exceptional curriculum by all reports. Here is a bit about it:

At this point we are 7 lessons into both math and core subjects. I am amazed at how complete it is. For instance, PE and life skills are included. We are working on tying our shoes, balancing, and hopping on one foot, among the core reading, writing, and math. There are many stories to be read, things to think about, and fun things to color and put together. Yesterday she took an online computer course taught by a "Wise Owl" and learned how to drag a mouse, double click, and select something. This is the only computer work she has done so far, everything else is paper and pencil.

Amita is absolutely thrilled to be learning new things and to be academically challenged. She wakes me up in the morning asking what we are going to be doing in school today and can't wait to put all of her papers together for her teacher to see. It takes her 2-3 hours to go through her work depending on the lesson and we just take our time. Most days we have finished everything in the morning, and sometimes we do a few minutes here and there over the course of a day. 

I am really liking the RVA so far. I like that I am not the teacher, but I am still teaching my child from home. I like that she is being challenged at her exact level, even if it means being in two grades at once (my whole reason for homeschooling). I like that I am not grading and "in charge" of her education, but rather a facilitator who helps her with her work. I like that the teachers there have always been prompt in answering any and all questions (even on holidays and weekends!), and they truly want Amita to succeed and enjoy the learning process.

Another great thing about the RVA is that it is free for us through our school district. Technically Amita is enrolled in public school. She has enrollment dates and can be active in classes at our local public school. If we decide to continue through high school, she will be able to be active in sports, dances, and graduate with a diploma, all while schooling at home and being met academically at her own level. 

Since we will be traveling the month of October, I am working ahead. We are loving it! Here is what came in the box for this year:

Manilla paper, construction paper, music break CD's, string, newsprint paper, regular paper, tracing paper, modeling clay, and magnetic strips.
Index cards, pipe cleaners, watercolors, a ruler, thumbtacks, and the core kindergarten books.
Lots of books to read and sight word books
More core books
First grade math textbooks, manipulatives, and punch out resources (colored shapes, money punch outs, a punch out clock, etc.)
Here is everything on my shelf, ready to go!

Ashima will continue to the activities I've been doing with her. Working when she can and when she is interested, and doing activities by theme. Developing a love and interest for reading and school. Counting and singing songs, and most importantly: playing. She is following a lot of what Amita is doing so I think it is really positive for her too.


  1. I am so impressed with all your research and work! How wonderful. Thanks for sharing all this.
