Thursday, July 16, 2015

Ocean Unit -Day Six

Day 6 started like all the other days with my folder ready to go, library books, and an ocean themed music CD for later in the day. 

After reading we did calendar time:

After that we had a break and Amita danced to the Ocean CD:
While Ashima played on her "computer":
I then had Amita work on some worksheets from this book I picked up at Sam's Club for about $10.00. Amita really likes these activities. 

While she was writing her lowercase "a" I noticed she was having some trouble so I picked up some lined paper and had her do some additional practice.
After that she did a cut, glue, and counting activity out of the book:

Then, we had some math problems. These are supposed to be oysters but it was (not so delicately) pointed out to me that they look like poop. On one side I had Amita do addition (putting the right number of pearls in the shell), and on the other side I had a number for Ashima to put that many pearls.
After this Ridhwi needed to run some errands and took Ashima with him, so it was just Amita and myself. We read a book and learned two new sight words:

And put the new words on the wall:

Next we played a game where I said a word from her word wall and Amita had to point to it. If she got it right, she got a bear. If she got it wrong, I got a bear. She won! It was a fun way to review all the words she knows now.

After that Amita made her own book! It involved counting, coloring, writing, cutting, and painting. 

And that took us to nap time!

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