Monday, March 10, 2014

A Day in the Life of a Mukerji Child

This is our typical schedule:

8:00 kids wake-up (I'm super lucky my kids are sleepers)
8:00-9:00: Change diapers, get dressed, breakfast
9:00-12:00: Free time to play. Sometimes they want to play with Mommy, some times they don't. I use this time to write my emails, drink coffee, read, and play with the kids. I purposefully try to keep it as a "quiet" time so we can all have a relaxed morning.
11:30-12:00 Snack before nap.
12:00-2:00 Nap. The kids both sleep for a little over an hour, but they do it at different times. Ashima goes to bed right away and wakes up a little after 1 while Amita needs 20-30 minutes in her bed to relax and calm down before she falls asleep and wakes up right before 2.
2:00-3:00 This is when they have a snack and we do our educational activities. Amita always takes a while to wake up so she appreciates some time before we go out and do errands
3:00-5:30. This is typically when I do any errands I have to do: run by the dry cleaners, go to the library, go to the gym, the grocery store, etc.
5:30-6:30. Dinner
6:30-7:00 Free play
7:00 Get ready for bed - change in to jammies, brush teeth, read one book for each kid, prayers, and bedtime!

There are always appointments and things that require schedule changes but I try to keep it as close to this as possible. I would actually prefer the kids get up a little earlier - we would have more time to do stuff in the morning but alas, they are good little sleepers, so our mornings are usually just quiet time to be together and play.

This is our day. :)

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