Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Starting Preschool "For Real"

Today was the first day that I started preschool with Amita "for real", and by that I mean with an organized, set curriculum. Before this I've just been winging it.

As I've mentioned in a previous post, I purchased a curriculum called The Learning Box. Just so I'm clear, I have not been paid or coerced in any way to plug their material. I'm going to talk about it because it is perfect for our family.

When it first arrives, it comes in a box like this from UPS with a tracking number:

When you open it up, everything you need for the month is included and organized for every day, including a curriculum guide, visual aids, books, and materials needed for each activity.

I have learned that the actual planning/prep for the lessons still takes a while (due in part to the fact that I have to entertain Ashima during that time too) and the lessons themselves go pretty quickly because Amita can't carry on a very long or in depth conversation.

I chose the 3-day-a-week pack which I think is good for Amita at the moment. She needs to move from one activity to another fairly quickly. I'm also doing morning activities and discussion more than one day (the same activities) so it really sinks in. It also makes it last a week - with about an hour of activities a day. Once Amita gets older I'll switch to the 5 day pack but for now the 3 day is perfect.

One of the themes of the month is to learn about weather. Today we read a book about clouds, finger painted clouds, and made cloud glasses (which Amita LOVED; she's always trying to wear my glasses).

All in all, the curriculum is AWESOME and just what I need. From now on I'll definitely need to spend a little be more time planning (the natives got restless while I found materials and read directions) but that's not too hard to do, right? It's MUCH faster than coming up with this stuff on my own - which never would have happened.

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