Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Book Review: The Complete Daily Curriculum - Over 1200 Easy Activities to Support Multiple Intelligences and Learning Styles.

I would give this book a 6/10 for homeschooling parents and a 9/10 for traditional preschool teachers. It is available here.

This book would be very useful in a traditional preschool with many students, supplies, materials, and a library, but I found it a bit cumbersome in a homeschool environment with one child and limited materials.

The Complete Daily Curriculum has A LOT of activities - many more than is advertised on the front cover because each activity is expanded to include multiple intelligences. Ideally, you could pick which learning style your child would respond to best and use that only those activities for that style. Once neat aspect of the book is that they have "story circle" books - independent children's books that are related to the theme of each activity. This would be very useful in a traditional school. In a homeschool environment, though, I would have to go to the library and check out the books in advance of even doing the activity.

All of the activities needed quite a bit of prep time. I discovered that I would prefer to find something online that required less prep time than use a lesson in the book. There is an appendix in the back with worksheets and cutouts. They were really neat and could be a lot of fun to do but I didn't find them useful because I don't have a copier, scanner, scrap materials, etc. In a school it would be very useful because all of those things are readily available but it just isn't practical for homeschoolers. For instance, in one activity, I was to find feathers, 6 books for story time, print and cut out 2 pictures from the index, get out crayons and scissors, and paper. This is in addition to learning 3 songs from the index to teach. It's too much work for me for one single lesson! 

I was glad to have a chance to go through it and get a few ideas but I will not be purchasing this book. 

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