Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Book Review: You've Decided to Homeschool, Now What? by Marsha Hubler

Overall, I would rate this book at a 4/10. It had some good information and explained a few things but I did not find it extremely helpful. I also felt it was biased toward the state the author was from (Pennsylvania)  and biased towards those that Christian Homeschool. The author provided many quotes from the bible as well as many laws in Pennsylvania that are not applicable in Wisconsin. 

One thing I did like is that she described the different methods of homeschooling, conventional, unit studies, and also explained the "unschooling"movement. This is a movement I had come across in my research and never completely understood so I was grateful for a clear and concise explanation. 

I also found out that some public schools have homeschool coordinators - something that I need to look more into and would be a great resource if available in WI.  

She also listed several popular curricula. The only thing I didn't like was that the vast majority were Christian-based and the book was copyright in 2007 so I'm not sure exactly how current the information will be. 

Overall, I thought it explained a few things I had been wondering about but didn't have too much information that applies to me. 

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