Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Introduction to the Family

I am Laura, a teacher turned stay-at-home mom. I am starting to find my stride in this motherhood business and looking forward to trying my hand at homeschooling and seeing if it fits our family. In my spare time I love to read and try out new recipes. 

Next, we have Ridhwi, my wonderful, awesome, and supportive husband. He works as a physician here in Wisconsin. He is a good man and dedicated to the lives and education of our children. He enjoys fishing and reading books during what little down time he has

We also have two beautiful daughters: Amita is the oldest at 3.5 and Ashima is the youngest at two. Amita is a very sensitive kid who loves all things Dora and is very quick to pick up new things. She's talking up a storm and I love hearing what she has to say!

Ashima is my littlest baby and a very sweet girl. She is very outgoing and loves to make new friends. She especially likes to follow around her sister and cause trouble. 

We also have a dog named Alli who is a rescue dog turned therapy dog turned family dog and really loves the girls. 

So this is it. Our family. Please join us on this amazing journey through our life!

1 comment:

  1. Laura, I just read through your posts to date, and I am so excited to follow you on your journey! Your site looks beautiful and I am so impressed by your insights and research into the topic of homeschooling. I can't wait to see how you progress, and I have to say, as an elementary school teacher myself, I give you props for all you've learned and your dedication to your sweet girls. Best of luck! (P.S. I no longer use the site I linked to, but I had to have some kind of login to comment and lj is the only one I have!)
