Thursday, February 6, 2014

Lesson Plan - Twinkle Twinkle Little Star

The first thing Amita asked to do after her afternoon nap was to play with flash cards. Surprisingly, she likes them a lot and frequently asks to play with them. I have some Dr. Seuss number, letter, shape, and color cards. I think she must have just wanted to be in the dining room, however, because she only played with them for about three minutes. During this time, my sweet Ashima played with a puzzle very diligently.

After that I moved on to the activity I had been planning for today since I already had my audience captive.

One of Amita's favorite songs is Twinkle Twinkle Little Star (along with the ABCs and Old McDonald, which she calls EIEIO). She knows all the words and gets really excited whenever she sees a star. A week ago I was in Wal-Mart and I saw some packages of stars and got really excited. Amita was also excited to held the package close to her chest and sang Twinkle Twinkle Little Star at the top of her lungs. The other shoppers probably hated me because I did nothing to stop her - I thought it was cute and it made me giggle.

Here is what we did today:
  1. I showed the pack of stars and allowed her to pick a color (there were four to choose from).
  2. We talked about stars, and where they are located (the sky).
  3. We counted the points of a star. Amita can count to 10 all by herself and LOVES to show off her awesome counting skills. 
  4. We talked about each of the colors in the pack and identified them.
  5. I then wrote Amita's name on one and Ashima's on another. I went over Amita's name with her (she knows all the letters of the alphabet so we are now working on phonemes) and sounding out her name. 
  6. I let the girls color their star.
  7. I let them put foam stickers on the star. With Amita, we talked about the shape and color of each sticker.
  8. We then sang Twinkle Twinkle Little Star while holding our stars and giggling because that's a funny thing to do (apparently). 
  9. Repeat (for Amita) and put stickers in mouth (Ashima). 

 I know Daddy will look forward to seeing the stars when he gets home!

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