Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Lesson Plan - Making Valentines for Family Members

With Valentine's Day coming soon, I decided to have Amita make some Valentines. This was one activity that she LOVED!!!! She sat in her high chair for an hour and a half actively involved while listening and following directions the WHOLE time. Momma for the win (throws hands in air)!!!!

She also got to work on her scissor skills, which she thinks is awesome. Here is what I did:

1. Get supplies ready. I used a bunch of stuff I got for a dollar at Wal-Mart including: markers, heart confetti (which I just had her glue down), stickers, construction paper, sparkly glue, and regular glue.

2. I wrote the message to family members for her on regular white paper. 

3. I had her practice cutting out hearts. She wasn't able to do it very well but she had a lot of fun trying!
4. I had her color the paper with markers and then glue the hearts and put the stickers on. Lastly was Amita's favorite part - the sparkly glue!

5. The finished result:

I'm mailing them today and I'm sure our family members will love receiving them as much as Amita loved making them!

Skills: letter recognition, shape recognition, color recognition, new vocabulary (glitter, glue), animal recognition (when putting down stickers), animal sound practice, gross motor skills, fine motor skills.

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