Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Why Consider Homeschooling In the First Place?

When we began the education discussion and what we wanted for our children, this was our conversation:

Question: "What kind of education do we want for our children?"

Answer: "A highly rigorous personalized education where they have the flexibility to explore interests and receive personalized help when needed".
Answer: "The ability to move within grades if ahead or behind in any subject."
Answer: "The ability to have a flexible schedule that is tailored to their needs (sleep, activity, meals, etc.)."

The truth is that you cannot get any of these things in public or private education. It is possible that we could come close to finding something we liked in a preparatory academy, but the area we will be moving to in Wisconsin has nothing of the sort available. For the options that are available to us, we feel that homeschooling would be the best choice.

That does not mean that we have completely decided that we will homeschool K-12. We realize that, at this point, it is very easy to say, "this is the only thing that will work and it is best for our family." However, we are dealing with two little human beings who have their own minds and ways of doing things. If we begin with preschool and find that it just isn't working for our family, we are open to sending them to a private school and making the best of it. For us, public school is not an option we are willing to consider.

So we begin the journey. I have a lot of things I need to look into, as I will be the person primarily in charge. I need to make sure I am committed 100% to this and it is something I feel I can successfully undertake. I am a high school english teacher, not a preschool or elementary teacher. I am not afraid to admit that I have A LOT to learn and many things to consider that may change my outlook and/or our decision, but feel that homeschooling is currently the right thing for our family.

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