Wednesday, February 5, 2014

The Dreaded Socialization Topic

One thing that frustrates me about the homeschooling debate is the topic of socialization. This is because most people incorrectly assume that students that are home schooled are not "properly" socialized because they are not in a classroom with 20-30 other kids. However, most home schooled children are active in community events, co-ops, summer camps, community sports, dance, art classes, and more, and additionally interact with people daily through regular interactions (i.e. going to the store with mom, going to the library, etc.). They have many social opportunities and studies show that they actually tend to be more well-adjusted in group activities when home schooled. What is to say that the only way to properly socialize a child is to throw them into a classroom with 30 other children? If a parent is conscientious and makes sure to provide opportunities for a child, there is no reason the child will be unable to interact with others. I've actually seen people get really fired up about this topic and someone even told me that if I chose to home school my children would have no social skills. However, the facts don't lie and the truth is that home schooled children socialize just as well as traditionally schooled children when the parent makes sure to find the proper venues. 

See below:

There are MANY more links/articles on this discussion available, only a few are included here. 

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