Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Preschool Curriculum Found!

After a huge amount of research, we have purchased a curriculum! It is called The Preschool Learning Box. Basically, they send one box of curriculum a month to your house. Within the box are marked bags for each day of the week. For each day, you pull out the packet of materials and begin. It's that simple! I decided that to begin with, I needed something very structured since I am new to preschool. It is my hope that as I continue preschool and get closer to Kindergarten, I can find other things I like and implement them. At this time, however, this is one that I feel really works for our family. Here is the website:

We chose the 3 day pack. Our thinking was that Amita is still a little young for some of the activities so they may take longer and we can stretch them out. Also, she's only 2.5 and can't spend very long sitting still and needs plenty of free play time as well. We decided to do a 3 month trial and if we like it we'll purchase more months. I'm excited! Our first month starts in March!

One caveat, you do need basic materials most mommas already have: paper, scissors, crayons, glue, etc.  Everything else is provided by The Learning Box.

For anyone looking for curriculum, I found this website to be extremely helpful: It is the Yelp! of homeschooling. Anyone can post about curricula and their experiences with it. The learning box got very good reviews and we thought it would be something very good for me - a first time homeschooler with not a lot of experience.

I'll be sure to update how I feel about The Learning Box once it arrives and we start using it but at this point I am excited and ready to start!

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