Wednesday, February 12, 2014

What I Do To Ensure Daily Learning of Major Concepts

In addition to lessons plans, which I don't always have time to plan for, we have certain things we do every day to continue working on main concepts I want the girls to learn. Here are some of the things we do:

ABC banner - I put a chain of letters up down the hall. When we go down the hall, I have Amita point to a letter or sing our ABCs. If she asks for something, I'll tell her she can have it after she points out the letter G, etc. It is a great way to reinforce her letters.

Color banner - This is the same concept as the ABC chain. Sadly, this chain no longer exists as Amita pulled all of the papers off the chain and gave them to Ashima who proceeded to eat them. I am thinking about getting some laminated and trying again.

Bulletin board - On days when Amita seems like she is willing to pay attention, we review many things on the bulletin board: days of the week, ABCs, seasons, months, shapes, and colors.

I will probably change these as necessary during the learning process. Currently, these are the main concepts we are working on so I want the girls to really grasp and practice them daily. It is really nice to always have something I can work on with the girls even when I don't have time for a formal lesson.

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