Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Links and Materials For Homeschool Information

Below is a list of links and descriptions of websites and materials I like or have found helpful.


  • Waldorf education. I really like the idealism of Waldorf education but I'm not sure that it is academically rigorous enough.
  • Oak Meadow Education. I think there is a good possibility we will use this or something like this if we decide to do K-12. I really like the structure - something I'm discovering I need to look for in a curriculum.
  • A Well-Trained Mind. I like this a lot, I wish there was a curriculum you could purchase to go with it. Alas, I've discovered it's only a book with guidelines. While I really like it and agree with most things, I need something more detailed since I'm not sure how to come up with fun and exciting lessons on my own.

There were MANY more that I looked out but unfortunately I looked at them before I stated blogging. I'll update this list with more as I come across them. 

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