Thursday, February 6, 2014

The Mukerji Family List of Pros and Cons of Homeschooling


  • Completely personalized academically rigorous curriculum.
  • Allows flexibility for how we want to structure our day.
  • Allows for a lifestyle that would work for our family- mainly the ability to travel (especially to India) for longer periods of time and not just during the summertime when traditional school is out. We can make our own yearly schedule depending on what we have going on that year. 
  • Not missing three months of schooling in the summer and forgetting material.
  • Not as many standardized tests.
  • I get my kids during the best times of the day. Instead of only getting them in the morning and evening (they tend to be tired and cranky), I get them when they are at their best!
  • Great quality time with my kids.
  • Assured safety. As much as I hate to say it, school shootings are on the rise. It hurts my heart. 
  • Could have earlier college entrance if they are ready for it.
  • GREAT flexibility of how you teach subject matter. I could still teach the concepts they need to know but do it through a subject they are interested in. 
  • No wasted time. As a former public school teacher, I know first hand just how much time in a day is wasted, and it is not a little. 
  • Fostering independence. Homeschooling by nature is a more independent way of learning. Especially when they would get in higher grades and I would be unable to help them with the subject matter.
  • Would be able to take special classes like Latin or Bengali (my husband's language) and personal music and art lessons.
  • Homeschooling is typically cheaper than private schools (our other option). This would allow us to save up a nice nest egg for their college educations/weddings. 
  • No bullying or classroom disruptions from problem children.
  • Homeschooling typically takes less time in the day to complete studies than traditional school. This means more time for free play, independent reading, and outings with Momma. 
  • They have the ability to get experience in real life activities. Say, for instance, when Ashima is in high school she becomes interested in nursing. As a part of her studies I could have her shadow a nurse, or take a CPR class, etc. With more time in the day they could get more real world experience. That's not to say they couldn't have this in traditional school, it would just be much easier to incorporate into our day.

    From Education Week:
    "One study of more than 11,000 home-school students found that students typically score 34 to 39 percentile points higher than the average student on standardized tests. Another study found that 25 percent of home-schooled students were enrolled one or more grades above their age-level public and private school peers. These findings mirrored the study showing that home-educated students scored, on average, at or above the 84th percentile in all areas on standardized achievement tests." 


    • Traditional school forces children to study a wide range of subjects (not just those of interest - although whether or not this is better is another subject entirely) and people. With homeschooling, especially in Wisconsin, they might not meet a wide range of people or be exposed to diversity although they might not in traditional school either. This one is kind of up to chance.
    • Let's face it, some days we just want to relax. Some days the kids could be awful. Some days I just won't feel like teaching the kids but will have to do it anyway.
    • When the kids are crabby I am responsible for still keeping them on task and teaching them. The pro of this, however, is that I can modify a schedule for what they need: a snack, a nap, extra love and hugs, etc. That is not an option available with traditional education. 
    • They might not want to homeschool.
    • They might miss out on high school dances, activities etc.
    • Reduced competition. Some times competition is good and encourages children to perform better.
    • Time. This will probably take a lot of my time while I figure everything out and during their younger years. However, I would be spending my time teaching other people's kids if I'm not teaching my own.

    There are also these pages with statistics:

    Through all my research, the plain fact is that homeschoolers excel academically, emotionally, and socially. They routinely out perform those in traditional schools.

    I plan to add to this list the more I continue to research.


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