Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Beginning the Overwhelming Research Journey

When I first started researching homeschooling, I was completely  overwhelmed. I was on Amazon looking at book after book, all fairly expensive, none of which I was sure would help. My beginning knowledge base was too small and they were all too specific. I was not homeschooling for religious reasons and I had absolutely no clue where to start. Curriculum? Co-ops? Math? Science? Reading? There were too many options and no clear path forward I quickly got frustrated.

My next line of defense in the homeschooling research battle was the public library. It turned out they had a ton of great resources for those just staring homeschool. I am working on making my way through the books and will write interesting things from each book as well as an overall review of the book. So far they have been tremendously helpful (and free!).

I plan to spend some money to purchase curriculums, materials, and supplements. However, I'm going to do it once I know what the heck I'm doing. Until such time, these books are providing the foundation for me to figure out how I want homeschooling to work for our family. Once I have some basic questions answered, I can move to the more specific books.

These are my main questions regarding beginning homeschooling:

  1. What does homeschooling look like on a day-to-day basis?
  2. What curriculum do I choose? How do I pick?
  3. How do I know that the girls are meeting grade-level markers and indicators?
  4. How do I evaluate their knowledge?
  5. How do I know what they need to know at any given time? 
  6. How do I teach preschool/elementary school concepts (I'm not an elementary teacher!)?
  7. What kind of co-ops exist in the area we will be moving to?
  8. What resources are available for parents?
  9. What kids of social activities are available for home schooled children?
  10. Exactly what parts of the public education can I use (art, music, PE, IEP services, etc.)?
  11. What are the Wisconsin state requirements for homeschooling and what paperwork is required to be submitted to the state?
  12. Does the local public school offer any homeschool resources (Parents as Teachers, homeschool coordinators, etc.)?
It is my hope that through internet research and the resources shown below I should have a very good knowledge base by the time I am finished.

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